
Saturday, January 11, 2014

Unnecessary Arguments

2 Corinthians 10:5 ESV
We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ...

*Have you ever had a discussion with an individual who felt that going to church was not important? Perhaps you have encountered people who feel that people take the Bible too seriously or misconstrued its meaning. You may have even had someone say it is not all about church or what is printed in the Bible bc it doesn't include everything anyway, but it is more about your relationship with God...Yet, interesting enough, that very person who felt that way barely takes the time to connect to God,  doesn't really understand the capability of living godly, or may bend the rules in order to still enjoy unholy things. These are lofty things that God often refers to...things that are meant to derail you, distract you from your walk or from being saved, or even meant to confuse you in order to remove you from a strong base and make u more vulnerable to the enemy. Don't allow lofty conversations of those being used by the enemy to keep you from fully exploring the truth for yourself. Also, if u are a participant don't allow yourself to be used. The point is whether or not u are truly obeying God and avoiding sin. People who feel persecuted by their actions are often the main ones who are willing to argue about a point, which can also include Christians. Ignore strife and lofty information that is only meant for the purpose of derailing u and explore the truth for yourself. We all know what it's like to be lost, go in a circle of frustration, and miss your blessing. Do u REALLY know what it's like to COMPLETELY trust in God and win for a change?

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