
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

A Confession to Assist with Resting

James 5:16 ESV

Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.

*The trials and tribulations that we face, be it daily or sparingly, can often take a toll on us. This is especially if we are learning to enter into His rest, and concentrate our efforts on magnifying God vs focusing on efforts to eliminate the problem. The toll that is taken can effect our ability to be optimistic about a person or situation. It can even cause us to focus more on doubt and our previous experiences with this person or issue, rather then seek God for new possibilities through prayer. This is why we should pray for one another: The power of prayer from more then one individual helps strengthen the situation. Remember, the Bible tells us where two or there are gathered in His name, He is in the most (Matt. 18:20). Also, one person can put 1,000 angels in flight, but two put 10,000 angels on the same path (Deuteronomy 32:30). Therefore, there is strength in numbers. I personal welcome and need to be strengthened in order to be able to rest in God, and mount up with wings like eagles (Isaiah 40:28-31). First, I must enter into His rest as I am restless, but embracing the responsibility to help us all get and stay there. I challenge you today to pray for someone else who you know needs rest. Perhaps, even contact them and give them a time you are praying so that they may join you. You never know who you may save, our how you may help to impact God's plan.

Spirit Led Works Over Fleshly Impulsive Deeds

What good are your works if your lifestyle says  differently? It is important to be a living example of Christ then an undercover hypocrite, that portrays one image while ruining your purposeful credibility, behind soon-to-be open doors...

Not by might not by power, but by My Spirit says the Lord (Zech. 4:6 NIV).

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

God, The Perfect Definition of a Father

The father of my child is not some dead beat dad that doesn't take care of responsibilities, forgets about the needs of his child, and accrues amnesia when it comes to claiming my baby's birth right to take on his last name...He is my rock, my provider, my protector, and confidant. The birth of my purpose is safe in His arms, and the nature of the birth is catered to His unfailing plan...#PurposefullyMade #SuccessfulPregnancy #BirthofRoyalty #ChildOfTheKing #InspirationalMomentsWithSultaia Dawsey

A Surprise Package

Love, kindness, and reliability often come in unexpected forms; therefore, expect the unexpected and be open to what is normally rejected...

Isaiah 55:8 (NIV)
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Get Off the Emotional Roller Coaster

Psalm 30:5 (NIV)
5 For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.

*Emotions were designed by God with the idea of helping you further experience life. There are several emotions that we may experience in our lifetime, and know that these emotional experiences are fine as long as we remain in control over them. We should never let our emotions get the best of us, and outweigh what God tells us vs what we believe we should do based on feelings. However, it is very important to embrace your authentic feelings, because habitual feelings that are formed are feelings that can lead to entrapment within a cycle...Thus, not allowing you to fully express how you feel to God in order to receive help. While reading "The 40 Day Soul Fast" book today, I realized that I have a right to weep and be upset...I have a right to be disgusted with experiencing things that are not part of the promises of God, but I also remain under control during my night of weeping because I am still intently waiting to be led by Him, and not using my emotional state to react based upon my own understanding. I also hold fast to God, even though I slip in and out of a strong grip, because I know the victory is won and I see small elements of sustainability that tell me not to give up. This is the true nature of hold on to what you believe in vs what you have seen and come to know. To stop the flesh's desire to react indicates the Godly power within, and the smallest segment of faith that still exists in our fight towards freedom to sense what God wants us to feel. I battle chucking up the deuces daily and the desire to run into the night of weeping bc my love for God holds steadfast to joy coming in the morning. Are you letting your emotions win the battle, or have you gained control in the war on feelings and failure?

Communication is the Key Between You and Me

One of the best measurements of growth is developing the ability to communicate with people of all walks of life, and not expecting constant change that perfectly caters to the way you have seen and heard things. It is our responsibility to teach others how to understand us, and learn to understand and impact the ways of others...#Flexibility,Meekness,Love, and Long suffering IsTheKeyInMinistry

Matthew 5:5 ESV

Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.

James 1:19 ESV

Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger...

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Brain Food 4 Thought-Honesty

The illusion of a want is in no comparison to facing the realism of a need...Be honest with yourself in order to gain true satisfaction.

NEVER Giving Up On Purpose

Psalm 120:1
In my distress I cried unto the LORD, and he heard me.

*As my situation peaks, I can feel the gnawing pressure of the world and my responsibilities cave in on me. As some may know and others are unaware, I have been laid off my job for a long period of time. Prior to that, even with two degrees and experience, I was barely making ends meat. However, I was growing stronger spiritually with every waking minute. It were as if God knew my purpose, which He always did, and knew I had a limited time to grow to successfully carry out His plan; so I grew rapidly. Meanwhile, He supplied my needs through the kindness of strangers and some new found friends, but I still longed for stability of temporal, sustainability. Meanwhile, my faith took blows as each job didn't come through and now I face potentially losing my car to non-payment as I have run out of funds and gone beyond those who have rendered assistance and are capable of providing additional means. However, I have yet to lose my car this day and I am back in believing its potential for safe keeping despite struggling with slight depression. You see, I am spiritually strong, but humanly emotional in fighting my flesh daily as I have battled career, the struggles of others and being their for them, and keeping hope alive for years. Yet, I have NEVER felt spiritual peace and strength this strong even at one of my lowest points. I will rise above this and continue my calling to show Godly love to u, my sisters and brothers, and give all a new perspective on how to view thoughts and ideas of every day life and expectancies that line up with the spiritual realm. Still, I rise as I tell the devil to flee and regain my strength in hopes for a better tomorrow. I cry out NOW to my God to save me in order to continue to advance YOU and myself to still receive the blessings of Abraham. Please, pray my strength in the Lord for I will NOT fail.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Purposely Made

Transparency Moment:

Even when I grow tired of being the person who loves the unloved, understands the selfish, and the person to embrace the spiritually psychotic, God reminds me of my unique qualities that are of His image, meant to serve His purpose, and then uplifted me to remind me of why I was made and the purpose behind my development (Psalm 139:13-16). His love and patience endures forever, and so must mine...My soul has a purpose far beyond what my mind may desire. However, I have dominion over my flesh, and so do u. Our callings may not be the greatest responsibilities to embrace daily, but they have to be done to ensure that God's will be done. However, always be led on the measure in which you do things, and remember that it is natural to desire to rest. God is a God of balance and order, and requires at least one day of resting in Him to renew your strength (Isaiah 58:13-14).

"I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well..."Psalm 139:14 NKJV. 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Your Achievement is Based On Your Belief

 Romans 14:22-23 (NKJV)
22 Do you have faith? Have it to yourself before God. Happy is he who does not condemn himself in what he approves. 23 But he who doubts is condemned if he eats, because he does not eat from faith; for whatever is not from faith is sin.

*Sharing this scripture was inspired by Day 12 of the book "The 40 Day Soul Fast" by Cindy Trimm. In my heart, I have always felt that Christians claim to believe in the powers of God, but still have a mindset of limiting His capabilities in your life. You are aware that He created the sun, moon, stars, even the very intricate nature of your body and how it functions. Yet, we have allowed what we have gone through to influence our way of thinking, which still caters to the system of what the world has taught us. Your mindset influences your soul, and if you don't watch it, the mind can override what your soul is fed through God's word bc you refuse to embrace the impossible and stick with capabilities of the natural. God is capable of doing exceedingly, abundantly, and beyond all we ask for, but notice that it is based on the powers in US (Ephesians 3:20). Therefore, as you become more seasoned in His word, He still always provides you with a choice (free will) to allow things to happen based on what you believe in your heart and soul. How you act on something is due to what you believe, and sometimes what we believe can be the very prison that stops us from moving forward and keeps us in the confinement of what we choose to embrace and hold on to. For instance, if you believe that having good credit is the only way to prosper, then credit is what u are limited to. However, if you believe in your ability to be successful enough to pay cash for everything, the prosperity of money is what you will find. Now, of course to each capability of God, there is discipline and obedience that will follow. However, your constraints are often due to the confinement of the mind. What is it that you are believing God for? How are you going to allow what you can understand in the natural influence what you are believing for spiritually?

Brain Food for Thought: No Assumptions Please

Nothing keeps us further from the truth then the entrapment of our own minds...It's better to ask to receive clarity then to come to your own conclusion. #KnowledgeIsPower&ProvidesPeace

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Disciplinary Check

Hebrews 12:11 ESV
For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.

*The fruit of righteousness can be found in Galations 5:22-23 (NLT) which consists of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. By these fruits, we will become prosperous in all the ways that our heart desires. However, we must first obtain and master discipline to acquire these fruits. Having the discipline to do what you know you should goes hand- in-hand with trying to avoid what you shouldn't do. This includes completing God-given tasks that may include coming out of your comfort zone. What is even more important to recognize are those little foxes that are spoiling your vine of opportunity (Song of Solomon 2:15). What do I mean by this? I am referring to those little things in our lives that we need to fix, get rid of, and tidy up that are keeping us from our harvest and release. Things we don't think are harmful or that have become habitual in our life cycle. In being transparent with you, it is my time. Yes, I have been on time every now and then, but I should be especially early for church. Arriving at God's house EARLY is more important then any appointment, job interview, meeting, or scheduled event that we can attend. So much so that my tardiness has caused a delay in my release from hardship, and moved God's mercy until I fix this issue. Sure, we may sow seeds, follow His every instruction, tithe, provide guidance, or whatever else He tells us to do. However, none of it matters if we don't have discipline to acquire enough love to take those "minor issues" into serious account. To acquire that love, we must acquire discipline. Mistakes happen, but habitual habits aren't excused. I challenge u to review those hidden or minor issues in your life that could be eating away at your harvest and spoiling your vine.

Where Does Heart Lie?

Sincerity is a rare, human art form that is often confused with nosiness to obtain information or ridicule that's laced with judgment...It is a trait that others confuse with feeling as though they have to do something, rather then letting it flow from the heart...Beware of this illusion and allow your heart to come to the true conclusion.

Luke 16:15 (NIV)

He said to them, "You are the ones who justify yourselves in the eyes of others, but God knows your hearts. What people value highly is detestable in God's sight.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

He Lives for Our Purpose

Psalm 107 (NIV)

1 Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.

*No matter what we are going through or how we feel at this very moment, God rose from the grave today to prove that His love endures forever. No matter what we have done, how ungrateful someone is, or how we feel at times, He still felt that we were worth the pain and suffering to give us victory over death through His everlasting, manifested love. As a matter of fact, His resurrection occurred for the purpose of delivering us from what upsets us, what burdens us, or what we think bounds us because we have an everlasting connection to immediately go to God on our own and ask for help. Jesus overcame death to put to death all of our fears, frustrations, concerns, and exploits to grant us freedom if we are willing to take it. I declare on this Resurrection Sunday, that we are free like Jesus from our grave of fears. Believe with me that we are no longer bound to a tomb of dismay, but we receive our inheritance and guidance towards His marvelous light and our purposeful pathway. Let's NOT do it our way, but God's way in order to seek and find what we were ALWAYS meant to have and achieve if we take action to believe. Happy Resurrection Sunday!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Levels of Faith with More Details

1 Peter 2:2-3 (NIV)

2 Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may
grow up in your salvation,
3 now that you have tasted that the Lord is

*The first time I dedicated myself to God, and actually took it seriously, I was capable of unstoppable faith. I would speak things into existence with confidence, similarly to how I did in the world, and it would occur expediently. There were barely any doubts in mind about what God could do, & I thought being saved would be a breeze with few or little bumps in the road. I was on a spiritual bottle, and had no idea how deep the rabbit hole goes when u truly dig into your purpose and understand the essence of your salvation. Picture it like a video game: Each level may get harder, but there are greater rewards to receive and deeper assignments to achieve. However, some of us get use to drinking spiritual milk or get stuck on a certain level, and expect the same or greater results. However, that is not going to be the case. There will come a time when God wants us to stretch our faith, clean up more of our mess to become more tidy, and take on harder things for the expansion of His will. Are you ready to go deeper in salvation and eat whole foods?...Foods that now require preparation with more intricate spices and steps in order to receive a four course meal? As a Christian, things will not often drop from the sky, God will not accept any old effort for too long, and it will take more then just reading the Bible and witnessing to a few individuals. This is why James 1:22 tells us not just to listen to the word, but be doers as well. There is much to do, clean up, establish patience for, and prepare for when you really dive into the word and take it seriously. What is it that we are willing to do or not do, and how is that impacting your level of growth? Trust me, it takes more then a simple Amen...For me, it is the deep test of trust, patience, and not wavering. What's yours???

Friday, April 18, 2014

TGIF At Its Finest

TGIGF- Thank God It's Good Friday!

Thank God for His loving desire to keep His part of the covenant, (which was initiated by Abraham as part of God's plan), to give us His ONLY son and reconnect us with Him. Therefore, before you are about to have a selfish moment bc u couldn't get your way, think about the selfless act of God and the death and resurrection of Jesus who thought more of YOUR LIFE then He did His Own. If God did not withhold His son from u, then why would He withhold any other good thing also (Romans 8:32)? #BeThankful

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Words of Power, Actions of Faith

Ephesians 4:29 ESV
Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear...

*You may or may not know that your words have power, which impacts the things you are capable of receiving and maintaining. You may have even heard that there is life and death in the power of the tongue (Proverbs 18:21). Let's take it a step further: There is the power to take you to the next level with your mouth as well. Many people focus on the fact that you can curse yourself, or keep yourself in a complacent situation due to your mouth and level of faith. However, you can also accelerate your opportunity level as well. For instance, when you combine faith with the words you speak, you can call things into existence from the supernatural into the natural. One act of faith could be the effort of greeting your spouse at the door before he/she even exists. You are speaking things into existence before they ever occur. I have heard others say they have been led to stand on a peace of property and pray over it, or enter into it at a certain time until the manifestation occurs. Either way, their words coincided with their faith to produce the manifestation of an action. Now be led because you don't want to do something bc someone else did it. It is not about your works, but it is about your obedience to the instructions that God gives before you receive the blessing. There is a preparation period no matter how big or small. Therefore, ASK God what He wants you to say to correspond with what you should do to reap your harvest. Everyone may not receive the same type of fertilizer to grow your garden, but the power to ask and speak life into your harvest is available to everyone. Words have power, so watch them carefully because they impact your next level and thinking. Let people see the grace of God's ability to give you the power to create things with words.

Your Struggle IS NOT Real


So many people are going through it this week, but please know we are in good company...For this is the week that Jesus knew that He would be praised one minute only to lead to His body being hung on the cross the next (Good Friday). He was beaten, battered, bruised, betrayed, mocked, drenched in bodily fluids, submerged into the pits of hell to free us from the very thing we are salty, saddened, disgusted with, or annoyed by today. I say all this to say God never meant for us to be bound by what we are going through. Instead, He was the ultimate example of fighting the good fight of faith, and having victory over what seems like a deadly, crappy, or ridiculous situation. Don't let your light afflictions overtake you, and cause u to miss out on the very reason for this Resurrection season! (NOT EASTER or egg hunting) WE ARE OVERCOMERS, and will OVERCOME these light afflictions bc Christ bore the heaviest weight when He died on Calvary and rose again....#HangOn&BeStrongWithMe #We'veGotThis #VictoryAlreadyWonThisWeek

2 Corinthians 4:17 (NIV)
For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Peace and Wholeness

Psalm 37:37 (NIV)
37 Consider the blameless, observe the upright; a future awaits those who seek peace...

*God wants to remind us that He is a God of wholeness; therefore, He is the only one capable of completing you and granting you relief in order to be made whole. To be whole, we must seek peace with all individuals and situations in our lives. It doesn't matter what you have experienced, what others believe to be true, or how people feel about you as a whole. What matters is what matters is what God is telling you personally to work on, trust in, or create. Remember that you need to take every outside thought captive (2 Cor. 10:5), and lay those things aside in order to make room for the information and guidance that God is trying to provide for you. People change with the wind, but God's mercy endures forever. His guidance never fails, and He is capable of providing us with that peace that passes all understanding (Phillippians 4:6) if we ask and are ready to receive. What matters is His guidance and not your own assumptions, experiences, or opinions of others. Let go and be free in order to move forward and succeed...

The Impact of Our Belief System

"What you believe determines what you become..." Cindy Trimm...What we choose to believe determines the outcome of our faith. You faith can only carry you as far as you are willing to believe that God is capable of doing and moving on your behalf. Don't short change yourself by holding on to the belief system that has been formulated by your past experiences or your current, natural state. God is capable of operating on your behalf, but like the two blind men of Matt. 9:29, He gives you the option to believe in how fast and how deep His capabilities will go for your life. Will you restrict Him to what you have experienced, of will you trust Him to bring to past what you have always hoped for? The choice is yours...#HealingFromThePast2 #HaveAnUntainted,Prosperous,NearFuture

Monday, April 14, 2014

Talented Success

1 Peter 4:10 ESV
As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace...

*We all have a gift on the inside of us that cannot only impact our success and wellbeing, but can assist in drawing others closer to God and build them up for His kingdom. The very gift is meant to take others higher in their thought process, their view of others, and bring more knowledge and understanding of how to do things the Godly way. We are not just individuals who roam the Earth to see what there is for us, but people of God who are attached to other individuals. We have a purpose to fulfil and assignments to take on as vessels for God. This can be a powerful source that allows others to experience a new life outside of darkness, and it was designed for you be able to continuously sow in order to continuously reap a harvest. Now, imagine if you aren't using your gift properly and especially for God's kingdom...That is how many souls and responsibilities that you missed out on, and will also be accountable for (Matt. 25:13-30). God is waiting to elevate our talents if we entrust Him with the privilege of guiding us, and ordering our steps to expand on our talents. If you are experiencing a stationary moment in this area, ask  yourself if you have anything in your life that is not of God? Perhaps your talents aren't able to flourish because of the nature you expose them to, the bondage you may be in from an a secular mistake, or perhaps you do not have confidence to believe in yourself. God can fix all this and more for you, but you must completely trust Him and let Him completely in to be engulfed by His success.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Promising Vulnerabilities of Love

Galatians 5:13-14 (NIV)
13 You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love. 14 The entire law is summed up in a single command: "Love your neighbor as yourself."

*One of the things that is amazing about this verse is the promotion of freedom. However, people aren't able to realize true freedom until they walk in one of God's greatest commandments: Love. We often have issues with fully being able to love others without constraints, embrace people without worrying about our own hearts being at stake, and loving in general in order to be identified as a true child of God and advocate for Christ's sake. Can you imagine if you completely exchanged your personal fears, doubts, and need to infuse selfishness with the complete and total submerging of the vulnerabilities of walking in love...Loving without looking for motive, testing reactions, and just being able to feel the inner most concerns of others as Christ does with us? It is a powerful source...So powerful in fact, that it gave Jesus the overwhelming compassion to die for our sins and rise again to allow us to regain our connection with God. Can u imagine that type of love? Jesus is suppose to be our ultimate example; therefore, if we could walk in that same loving guidance that He has, we could successfully embrace our purpose and make overwhelming changes within His kingdom. We could also walk in the expedient fulfillment of His blessings, and no longer be held back by time because we haven't fully embraced the sacrifice of things such as love. God never designed any good thing to be withheld from us (Psalm 84:11). Therefore, do not withhold the goodness of God's love from others because you are afraid of their reaction or to experience vulnerability. The world wants us to learn to be completely guarded and to watch our back, but if we are always on our toes then how can u fully expect to let someone in?

Friday, April 11, 2014

The Maturity Behind Guidance

Spiritual immaturity is marked by the need to be independent, bka leaning on our own understanding. Even Jesus said He couldn't do anything without God's guidance; therefore why do you believe you have the capability to have stability and success by doing otherwise? Please, know that guidance from God presents peace and will guarantee long-lasting success...

John 5:30 (KJV) Jesus is speaking...

"I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me." #PastorKerrick #FaithChristianCenter in Smyrna, GA

Decrease in Self to Increase with Him

Luke 2:52 (KJV)
And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.

*Even Jesus had to grow in His techniques and abilities to reach man and please God. He was not stationary or satisfied with a certain level of His gifts. He continued to strive for growth in order to reach higher heights of advancing God's kingdom, and depicting the wonders of God's love. Therefore, don't be so hard on yourself and others as you learn the proper way to establish healthy, new growth. Many times we have to grow in certain areas and continue to improve to make ourselves a better person, and to also to walk worthy of the vocation that God has placed upon our lives. Now, don't get me wrong: The fact that God understands that you need to grow is not a free pass to be complacent and dormant for a while, or it is not a write off to continue to make mistakes and say that God will understand. Sin is sin no matter how we may try to dress it up, and you determine how long the growth process takes. For instance, if you are believing God for something, it can take you a month to prepare for it or years depending on your faith and obedience. However, if you give God your best effort and happen to fall short, his grace will abound towards you ( 2 Cor. 9:8) because you are a cheerful giver. Therefore, take the pressure of strain and growth off of you and seek discernment from God on how to alleviate some of your growing paind in order to experience more success.

No Limits Soldier

The limitations that you place on God cause you to miss out on an overflowing lifestyle that u were meant to experience. Life as we knew it in sin is completely different from the lifestyle and connections that God desires for us to have...Embrace fulfillment and find the enjoyment you were always meant to experience...

(Ecclesiastes 2:26 NIV) To the man who pleases him, God gives wisdom, knowledge and happiness, but to the sinner he gives the task of gathering and storing up wealth to hand it over to the one who pleases God. This too is meaningless, a chasing after the wind

Thursday, April 10, 2014

A New Mind and New Way

2 Timothy 1:7
King James Version (KJV)
7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind...

*Some of us may have heard this verse in song, or you have heard a sermon on fear with this being the scriptural base. However, have you fully grasped the concept of fear and how it can relate to you? Many people are in bondage from fear and don't even realize it. For instance, in the world we are taught ways to handle certain scenarios, situations, and how to react to a given issue. We were also taught how to approach someone if we are interested, and how to "advance" if we felt we needed to get up, get out, and do something. Your concepts of love, power, and how to govern your mindset were based on the survival skills implemented in your environment.

However, once you are saved, your whole way of thinking while in the world is suppose to go out of the window, and you are now a new creature in Christ (or should be) (2 Corinthians 5:17). A renewing of the mind is suppose to take place, and now Jesus is suppose to be your primary example of how to view life and act accordingly. Yet, some of us tend to take worldly habits into our believer lifestyle. This hinders our growth process, and can leave you in a complacent mode secretly gripped by fear because you are afraid of the unknown, or perhaps you haven't seen enough examples of people walking the walk and having success. However, your walk IS YOUR OWN, and God has not given us the spirit of fear. He is the counselor of how to receive a sound mind, go after your heart's desires, and uncover the real love and power of fulfillment you have been short changing yourself from experiencing. Therefore, let go of that mindset of what you use to know or how u tried to figure out how things are going to be. Instead, embrace the fact that you serve a creator who does not imitate the world, but does a new thing bc of your choice to change (Isaiah 43:19).

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

What Type of Love Are You Sowing?

John 13: 34-35 (KJV)

34 A new commandment I give unto you. That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. 35 By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.

*Of course, we are familiar with the fact that God wants us to love one another. However, are we really grasping what that entails? Love is not just consistent with speaking to others or praying for them when u feel like it...Love can often take you out of your comfort zone. God may provide you with tasks to do for others even though u may not feel like talking to anyone. He can cause you to be called upon to assist, even in a downpour or inconvenient moment. He may also want you to think about stepping outside of the group that you can easily embrace in order to love on someone who is unlovable or doesn't like you. Let's also not forget that showing love doesn't consist of you being nice to someone for your own selfish benefit. God wants you to examine your motive each time you love...Is it for the sake of getting things, or because of the true love of Christ who loved us first? Are you loving when it works in your favor, or are you capable of thinking outside yourself to love someone for the success of their favor? What saddens God is the fact that the body of Christ knows better, but yet love is tweaked based on how you see fit to shape and mold it to your life, but turn a blind eye to what's right. Let's allow God to do the molding and shaping in order to bless others and sow the right seeds for the growth of ourselves.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Your Treatment of Others Counts Too

Reminder: Favoritism and manipulation are not Godly traits either, especially when it comes to doing the kingdom's work and edification...They still fall under the category of not treating others how you want to be treated.

James 2:9
English Standard Version (ESV)
9 But if you show partiality, you are committing sin and are convicted by the law as transgressors.

Acts 10:34 ESV
So Peter opened his mouth and said: “Truly I understand that God shows no partiality...

Know Where Your Help Truly Comes From...

Psalm 3:2-6 (ESV)
Many are saying of me, "God will not deliver him." "Selah"  But you are a shield around me, O LORD; you bestow glory on me and lift up my head.  To the LORD I cry aloud, and he answers me from his holy hill. "Selah"  I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the LORD sustains me.  I will not fear the tens of thousands drawn up against me on every side...

*As a believer, you may have heard people tell you that what you desire is fictitious or impossible. Even other Christians, who claim to be believers, have a tendency try and rob others of their hopes and dreams by trying to influence and confuse your discernment with theirs. Some may not have even grown to the status of knowing God's capabilities regardless of your age, works, or experience. It is your FAITH that sees you through, and without faith and the diligence to seek Him it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6). You may even be going through a trial, and people begin to start assuming the worse before even mentioning the possibility of good coming out of it. DO NOT BE MOVED BY THESE DISTRACTIONS. These are some of the most sneaky tactics that the devil uses to try and knock us off our square, and help block our vision. It is sad that people are used as vessels in this way, so pray for them (those who are negative, know-it-alls, or MIA when u really need support), and embrace God as your shield! It is ok to cry for help because I am right there with you at this very moment, but watch who you cry to...God is your provider and can lift up your head in sorrow. Most people don't know what to say or think half of the time, but God can still use them as vessels to supply your needs. First though, we must have faith and believe in Him in order for all things to be added (Matt. 6:33). Do not be distracted by what you see and hear; instead, focus on the goal of what you want...

Monday, April 7, 2014

A Seed Will Meet Your Need and Theirs

(1/2) (1/2) 1 John 3:17- Love of God

But whoever has the world's goods, and beholds his brother in need and closes his heart against him, how does the love of (2/2) God (2/2) abide in him?

*There are times when we don't feel like doing something for another person, especially if we are going through our own thing. We may even have moments when we believe that the situation is not our business. However, reaching out to people to show the love of God IS actually our business...This is how u continue to reap a harvest by sowing seeds. Plus, God gave you the opportunity to witness the situation; therefore, how can you turn your back to it? Many times God will give us assignments to see how we will react. Plus, if He is asking you to do something, He is trying to also get a blessing to you. However, you must sow in order to reap continuously. This is also an opportunity to represent God and bring souls into His kingdom. He wants people to know that not everyone is selfish and all about themselves. After all, if you were in need, would u want people to be all about themselves and their timing? Don't get me wrong...Make sure you hear from God and not take on more then He is asking you to bare. However, faith without works is dead (James 2:14-26); therefore, work on God's behalf in order for things to be worked out for you. #NoDaysOff...God doesn't take days off to work for u...

Sunday, April 6, 2014

The Strength and Listening Ear of God

Psalm 31:1-2 (ESV)

1In you, LORD, I have taken refuge; let
me never be put to shame; deliver
me in your righteousness.
2 Turn your ear to me, come quickly to my rescue; be my rock of refuge, a strong fortress to save me.

*Sometimes we just have to take a moment for ourselves, and rest in God. People may try to listen to you and what u are going through, but they aren't going to care the way God will. Humans fall short, they become tired, and want to take a step back. However, God is always there even when it feels like He isn't...That's what I personally keep reminding myself. At the end of the day, even when I feel alone and like no one gets it, I have to remember that God does. Yet, I have to hold in my complaints and the need to vent to humans. Other people are often incapable of causing change to take place for you. Instead, I am capable of venting to God who always has a listening ear. He will initiate change, and utilize the RIGHT vessels to cause life changing events to occur.

We also have to take into account that God will not allow our suffering to be in vain or for us to be ashamed for His namesake. Despite feeling embarrassed or downright helpless, we have to shake it off and remember that we have no reason of being ashamed for the sake of being righteous. We will also always come out on top no matter how low we may feel as though we have sunk. Verse two is asking God to turn His ear to us, and to be the strength that we may sometimes feel that we lack. Let's all continue to pray for our strength in the Lord.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Change Challenge

Each time your heart beats, every breath you take, and every move u are blessed to make is an opportunity to make a change and receive changes. Ask God to protect you and others from negative changes, and help u recognize opportunity for positive change. You never want to avoid change due to complacency or miss out on an opportunity of a lifetime. Live everyone moment...enjoy every breath to the fullest capacity....#Complacency&RoutineAreTricks #ChangeBreathesNewLife

Friday, April 4, 2014

Now is the Time & This Is Our Season

Daniel 10:12 (ESV)
12 Then he said to me, “Fear not, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart to understand and humbled yourself before your God, your words have been heard, and I have come because of your words..."

*God would like to remind you that He is working on your prayers from the moment you decided to seek Him for answers. When we stop trying to figure things out on our own, make our on "wish list" without consulting with Him, and stop partaking in things that we never were meant to be a part of is when He is able to intervene on your behalf and start working on things NOW for us. To pray and receive guidance on something, without interfering by your own means, is an act of humility...A true act of surrendering ALL to God and being led. Sure, God wants to give you the desires of your hear (Psalm 37:4), but does your desire line up with His perfect will and purpose for your life? Do those desires aid you in your calling? Better yet, in this case, do you have enough faith in the capability to know that He is able to do above and beyond for you right NOW without a time constraint? Our faith is what carries us and allows God to move; therefore, no matter what it looks like, trust in your prayers and adhere to His guidance. Also, believe that He is working all things out for your good (Romans 8:28).

Thursday, April 3, 2014

God's Way Will Give Us Strength to Carry On

1 Corinthians 16:13 ESV
Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.

*In being transparent, I sometimes suffer with always standing firm when the tension is mounted high...particularly in a situation I've never experienced. However, this is when I need to press in the most, and act like a man as it is his role to endure and be the head and strength of the household. In the meantime, his help meet softens the blows he is facing by never leaving his side and comforting him. As a single we grow to understand both roles since Jesus is the head of our life, and we gather our strength only from Him. After we pray to God, we are to expect Him to begin to work on the process RIGHT NOW, and be watchful of the process and how it begins to change. Before beginning this message, my strength was weak because I was downright tired, but my heart and God pressing on me led me to share with u. Sharing with u provided me with the strength to carry on. This is the same with Jesus: When He grew weary, ministering to others strengthened Him. This is the nourishment that He utilizes to build His strength (John 4:32). Ask yourself what is it that provides you with strength, or better yet, what is God leading u to do to help you gather your strength? Let's lift each other in prayer that we receive the strength that allows us to mount up and move forward (Isaiah 40:31).

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Be Specific

Many times people confuse having standards with the idea of being picky. A person is not being picky if they specifically know the difference between their needs and wants. Even the Bible tells us to write the vision and make it plain (Habakkuk 2:2); therefore, do not be ashamed of having a preference. However, know the difference between what is preferred and what is absurd.

It's Worth the Wait

John 5:30 (KJV-Jesus is speaking)

I can of mine own self do nothing as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me.

*Jesus never said or did anything that was outside of the will of His father, which is God. His actions and words were based on what He was led to do and say according to the guidance of God. Jesus was sent to Earth to be our ultimate example because He was God in the flesh, and sent to feel the humanism of life and what we go through on daily basis. He served as an ultimate example of the possibility of doing good things in life, and how to maintain yourself in a Christian lifestyle. In this lifestyle and like Jesus, we are suppose to be totally reliant on God for guidance and assistance in everything we do. This takes practice by remembering to ask His advice about EVERYTHING, utilizing the Holy Spirit to provide you with clarity, speaking in tongues, knowing whether or not you have peace with a choice, and being patient enough to wait on God's "yes" or "amen" green light before proceeding. Anything outside of that is a "no" or a pause that is meant for us to wait on in order to receive the answer. The point is to be guided by God, and not proclaim to follow Him, yet you never wait to receive instructions or clarity. As humans, it is easy to jump the gun, want a quick answer, create multiple plans, and go with the flow. However, ask yourself is that the true will of God? God is not the author of confusion (Numbers 23:19); therefore, why do we complicate the situation by confusing ourselves with unnecessary options. WAIT on GOD for CLARITY!