
Friday, January 24, 2014

Matters of the Heart

Jeremiah 17:10 (KJV) - I the LORD search the heart, [I] try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, [and] according to the fruit of his doings.

*When u do things, u have to ask yourself why? Why are u giving, performing a certain action, speaking on a certain topic, and implementing anything in general? Your heart will tell you the true reason behind why u do things or even act the way u do. U aren't the only one who is aware of the motive behind your actions...God is also aware, and He knows whether or not your intentions are pure and line up with His word (the Bible). He is capable of viewing the true intentions of the heart whether u desire Him to or not; therefore, be mindful of your motive and the true reason for carrying out an action. You will be rewarded based on that reasoning and not just for the action in itself. That's why God tells us to guard our hearts because the reason behind why we do things stems from what we have allowed to come inside of us (Proverbs 4:23). What u allow yourself to be surrounded by or susceptible to effects your mindset and the passions that fill your heart. These ideas and desires leak out in the form of actions and our attitudes. Therefore, ask God to purify your heart (Psalms 51:10) and be honest with yourself. The level of honesty u admit to today dictates what type of blessing u receive later. Actions speak louder then words, so act according to the word of God with asking for a pure heart.

#U cannot be upset if things do not come out as expected when your motive is right.

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