
Thursday, February 13, 2014

Look Out for Others As You Do Yourself

Colossians 3:15 And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also you are called in one body; and be you thankful...

*What's interesting about this verse is how it promotes unification. You see, no matter how strong our walk with Christ may be or how we pat ourselves on the back for staying in line, there is always a brother and sister in Christ that is still growing and needs your help. There are also secular individuals that desire your help also, but we tend to forget that at times when we are doing our own personal self checks and not checking to see if we can be our brother or sister's keeper. You see, the human body must function as a whole in order to take full advantage of its capabilities. If the leg starts to malfunction, it can cripple the rest of the body and its abilities. Well, the same applies to the body of Christ. No matter how good u look to yourself, u have to check to see if your brothers and sisters are in check also...If things get out of line, u know it, and have the ability to loving edify but fail to do so, then guess whose head can end up on the chopping block with theirs? If u can only see me, myself, and I then how can u declare yourself a living sacrifice and witness of God? Remember, u are attached to others and it is not just about u. Also, be thankful that God wants us to love our neighbor as ourselves (Mark 12:31). This helps all of us take on accountability, and keep each other LOVINGLY in check. You should never be afraid of talking to your brother and sister, and u should also monitor your judgment vs uplift. If u can't handle edifying those u don't see everyday, how can u expect to properly walk in love with those u see daily or maintain a household? #Today'sDesireAndLifeChangeIsTomorrow'sResponsibility

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