
Thursday, December 5, 2013

Love of Christ vs Death of Self

John 15:13
Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. (NIV)

*Laying down your life doesn't necessarily mean actual death. It means dying to or denying your own flesh at times to strengthen and edify others. God may ask u to give someone a gift even if u are giving your last; He may ask u to spend time with someone even though u are busy; or He could ask u to speak with others about a certain subject matter that may be uncomfortable for u. All these potential assignments and more are u laying down your own life, cares, or concerns to potentially save or impact the lives of others. You could be that person's last hope, and your sacrifice for Christ may help transition that individual from the death of worldly woes to spiritual glorification. In being transparent, I die to the flesh daily in casting my own cares aside to love on someone else. This builds my faith in knowing that God has my back while I am guided by the Holy Spirit to have the back of someone else. I was originally not a people person, especially with the attitudes of my own people. However, all that is no longer a factor when the old man dies and the new is living for Christ. Use discernment and not feelings of  internment to guide u. 

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