
Friday, June 20, 2014

Unfailing Love

Romans 5:7-8 (NIV)

7 Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. 8 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

*What is awesome about these verses is the illustration of the love of God for us, and how He wants us to view others in the same light. For instance, verse seven expresses how it is easy to potentially do something generous for a person who seems worthy enough for the cause. However, how much greater is it for you to take that same consideration into account with someone less worthy? Let's go even deeper....Are we EVER completely worthy of the things we ask God for, or how He views us? Technically not, but our efforts to love Him and seek Him are what makes Him go the extra mile to cover us even more so. He is so loving and patient that He covers the sinner, who thinks nothing of Him, with grace. Now, this is not a license to go bananas in wrong doing, but let's keep it real: We all do and say things because of curiosity, because we just plainly want to, because of emotional trauma, or perhaps out of not knowing any better. Yet, He takes all that into consideration to give His son's life and find love for us. Now, since many of us do not have as much of a hardship as crucifixion to bare, can we not find that same love towards our brothers and sisters? Sure, it is easy to love them when they are "good" or on one accord with you, but what about those times when things aren't so great? Will that change the outcome of your love for them? When thinking of others, let's think of the love of Christ...Even if you have to love them from a distance, any and all situations still require love...Use prayer and discernment on how to apply it.

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