
Sunday, January 5, 2014

Spiritual Covering

Ephesians 6:11 ESV
Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil.

*As the Holy Spirit prompted me to review scriptures on spiritual warfare and not settling for less today, this well-known verse stuck out...particularly the word "whole." Whole brings to mind words like "entirety," "all," and/or "fullness." The fact that this word sticks out is sending up a notice that the Spirit wants us to completely cover ourselves daily as we go out into the other words, be fully prepared and equipped spiritually like u are mentally, socially, emotionally and/or financially for the tasks u plan to take on that day. Do not leave yourself spiritually vulnerable to be attacked from any angle bc that vulnerability always evil to sneak end and steal your wants, kill your desires, and destroy your success rate of being focused completely on God. U see, some believe that just going to church alone and participating in a spiritually motivated events covers them while they expose themselves to elements of evil including but not limited to the hustle mentality of "trying to make it;" the desires of things that hinder the body including the love of money, sex, drugs, lies, and other elements that hinder our walk; but then we expect a FULL COVERED turn around in the new year when we haven't fully equipped ourselves with God. Don't settle for being half covered by His grace, wasting more time doing the same old things, or settling for mediocre items when God gives us the capabilities to receive exceedingly, abundantly, and above all we ask for (Ephesians 3:20). Just pray and study His word to know how u can better equip yourself for life's situations, and how we can cover each other. I personal welcome prayer to help strengthen myself in the Lord.

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