
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Push It Pass the Limit (BT vol. 1)

Why do we keep limiting God, or telling others to do so???

Scriptures on NOT limiting God:
Psalm 23, 37:4, 81:16, 103:1-6, 145:18-19; Philippians 4:19

Foundation Scripture:
Psalm 103: 1-6 (NIV)

Praise the LORD,my soul; 1 all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the LORD,my soul, 2 and FORGET NOT ALL HIS BENEFITS—who forgives all your sins 3 and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit 4 and crowns you with love and compassion, WHO SATISFIES YOUR DESIRES WITH GOOD THINGS 5 so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s. The LORD works righteousness 6 and justice for all the oppressed.

*This will be one of those Holy Spirit inspired posts with a side of aggravation and fire to it. Lol...My question for you is WHY DO WE CONTINUE TO LIMIT THE TYPES OF BLESSINGS WE ARE CAPABLE OF RECEIVING FROM GOD, OR WHY CAN'T WE BELIEVE FOR GREAT THINGS YET TELL OUR BROTHERS OR SISTERS TO TAKE BABY STEPS???

I am so TIRED of meeting believers who believe that you have to start from the bottom for A WHILE, and work your way to the top. What kind of mess is that??? Now, yes I understand SOME things will take effort that will take time like becoming a doctor (by going through school), getting married (depending on the couple) takes courtship and really getting to know each other for a while, or perhaps building something bc it takes time to plan and accrue supplies...the list goes on and on. However, notice that all time frames and the style of going about things can vary, and most importantly the time frame is up to you! Whatever you are capable of setting your faith for is what will occur. The opportunities are limitless if we would stop listening to assumptions and believe!


  1. I was just wondering what "BT" was. It seems like a series and I think I just realized it might be "basic training"... Great word as always! ^___^

    1. Hi Dani! Thank you always for your support and feedback. Know that it is always appreciated! I like your guess on the acronym. That's a good one; however, BT in this series is referring to my "Break Through" revelations that God is allowing me to share with you all. I have gone through a lot these last several months, but favor and grace keeps showing it's beautiful head. These posts are very significant because of the challenge they provide towards success, the extra personal touch of transparency or perception, and the gentle nudge from God to keep pressing and remember that He is my source and insight. Even if I have overcome what the post implies, I am still assigned to rectify what I see in many on a daily basis. I want everyone to receive the full experience of God as He is revealing Himself more and more to me. Look forward to seeing you in church, and feel free to share the word. :)

  2. Always a pleasure... Always sharing the word and your helpful guidance on this blog! Thanks for being open and transparent! It helps others like me grow in the word as well! Missed you last week in church... Hope to see you soon! It's always brings a smile to my face. Stay faithfull and continue to follow Him!

    1. You're always welcome! We all help improve each other. Iron sharpens iron....
