
Monday, January 13, 2014

Relationship Evaluation

Hebrews 10:24-25
And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.  Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another--and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

*Ever notice how some people take a "me, myself, and I approach" when it comes to any type of relationship? It is almost like a connection is no longer a valid source of enjoyment, long-lived, or about growing together. It runs more on the lines of what can a person do for you, how they can impact your life, and how you are unwilling to truly compromise or heaven forbid have to change something for someone other then yourself. Flexibility is often a hard thing for some ppl to master because they often do not understand the definition of the word "relationship," or understand themshelves and how God sees u. Plus, truly putting yourself aside and loving someone else takes work.

 That's why individuals break up, divorce, or get rid of people after a certain point because they are afraid of a challenge that may not necessarily benefit just themselves, but impact another individual. A person is afraid to latch on to what is considered work because perhaps they are lazy in how they handle themselves, afraid of judgment of their own traits, or cannot fathom the idea of completely surrounding to the needs of an individual. Perhaps what scares you is the responsibility of being connected and having to care about someone other then yourself...So, they over-compensate by keeping company they should get rid of, choosing to keep habits that only benefit themselves, and always having a backup plan vs allowing God to move within the primary agenda. Many give up on meeting someone in the middle bc they are afraid of vulnerability, but God says don't give up. He wants us to encourage each other no matter how funky an attitude may be that you encounter;He wants u to let go and be vulnerable with Him in order  find strength to help and be vulnerable with others; and help you remember that the day is approaching when u will experience judgment based on your selfish or selfless capabilities. At the end of the day, so many people want a relationship...BUT, do u fully know what that means? It requires work, sacrifice, and maintenance just like a car or any other prize possession...Are you willing to maintain it or abuse it to only find yourself alone and missing out?

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