Romans 6:23 ESV
For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
*Isn't it interesting how we love free things: Free food, buy one get one free, or signs with "free until..." on them. Yet, God giving His life freely to save us from sin doesn't register with as much excitement as worldly things. Clearly this is true love given freely, which provides freedom to warn u of the cost of sin and the freedom to guide u into a life filled with promise if we choose to obey, give up our sinful lives, and follow Him whole heartedly. Yet, we can't give up habits, friendships, or forgo on certain choices to even embrace this lifestyle completely when it has been given to us freely. We are not just rewarded with eternity in Heaven, but life more abundantly on Earth as well (John 10:10), yet some of us would rather continue certain lifstyles just to appease our flesh; gain what the world views as natural; or sell our precious souls for a tweak, fix, sale, feeling, taste, touch, or opinion that can cost us everything. What good is life as u know it when u can have beyond a life u dreamed of, with even smoother transitions through trials? Yet, we still keep doing the same thing day in and day out. Or, if u are hearers of the word, u don't practice doing it because your actions and thought process is still stuck in the world. Life is so precious...don't waste it on sin when u can preserve life through the choice to allow God to manifest in it. What choice will u make today?
For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
*Isn't it interesting how we love free things: Free food, buy one get one free, or signs with "free until..." on them. Yet, God giving His life freely to save us from sin doesn't register with as much excitement as worldly things. Clearly this is true love given freely, which provides freedom to warn u of the cost of sin and the freedom to guide u into a life filled with promise if we choose to obey, give up our sinful lives, and follow Him whole heartedly. Yet, we can't give up habits, friendships, or forgo on certain choices to even embrace this lifestyle completely when it has been given to us freely. We are not just rewarded with eternity in Heaven, but life more abundantly on Earth as well (John 10:10), yet some of us would rather continue certain lifstyles just to appease our flesh; gain what the world views as natural; or sell our precious souls for a tweak, fix, sale, feeling, taste, touch, or opinion that can cost us everything. What good is life as u know it when u can have beyond a life u dreamed of, with even smoother transitions through trials? Yet, we still keep doing the same thing day in and day out. Or, if u are hearers of the word, u don't practice doing it because your actions and thought process is still stuck in the world. Life is so precious...don't waste it on sin when u can preserve life through the choice to allow God to manifest in it. What choice will u make today?
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