
Monday, February 17, 2014

A Way Out of No Way

Revelation 3:10
Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth...

*There are several events that are happening on the news, and probably in our personal lives that may tempt u from time to time. These temptations may come in the form of aggravation leading to the desire to curse; the need to embrace some sort of narcotic, food, or alcohol base to alleviate yourself; perhaps u desire to run into the arms of someone u aren't suppose to be with, and confide in them; ask for assistance from a source that will not allow u the ability to owe no man nothing, but to love him (Romans 13:8); or their could be the temptation to slip away from God and into depression or hopelessness. BUT, hold fast to the word...even when it feels like God isn't there, He has never left. Even if all you are having are second thoughts about bad behavior, be proud that your conscience is still able to receive that gentle warning to adhere to self-control. Even if u committed indecent behavior, God is still waiting to help u and forgive. Always know that He provides u with a way out of temptation, regardless of the situation. It is up to us to hold on to His promises, and be patient. #RightThereWithYou #LiftEachOtherUpInPrayer

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