
Friday, October 30, 2015

Walking in Love

Psalm 145:8-9 (ESV)

8 The Lord is gracious and merciful,
slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.

9 The Lord is good to all,
and his mercy is over all that he has made.

*As I meditate on God's love this morning, I think about how steadfast His love is and how I want to be more like Him...Humanistically, we become tired of people and get rid of them if they don't do us right, we are not flexible or open to others as we should be, we look for others to give to us even though we may not do them the same way, we speak and think  poorly of others despite our faults, and sometimes we just become plain sick of individuals. Let's take it a step further...Let's say we are the type of people who do what God tells us to do towards people, but our harvest has yet to manifest...Well, then we are the type of people who give up. Whatever your type, God remains the same...Forever loving no matter how we treat Him. He is patient and caring, but truthful and corrective in love. I've never experienced a love like this, and I want to be more consistent in displaying this love of God without feelings come into play. Feelings of love towards people last for a moment, but God's love goes beyond the feeling of that circumstance... It is deeply rooted and grounded to love in spite of anything. He sees you as His beautiful creation that is still being shaped and molded by Him, if you allow Him to continue to be the artist. He sees what you are capable of being and wants to help you get there. Wouldn't that be great if we could learn that as people?...Of course, associate with who God leads you to, but I crave the ability to love through longsuffering and toleration when I don't I want to be there. How's your love walk?

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