
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Your Personal Preception of God

Psalm 119:27
Amplified Bible (AMP)
27 Make me understand the way of Your precepts; so shall I meditate on and talk of Your wondrous works...

*Many times people show disinterest in studying and developing in God's word because they believe it to be impossible to adhere to the standards, or perhaps they allow the trick of philosophical studies and developments to hinder their growth process. Yout may even be hindered or guided by someone else's experience with God. However, have u fully tried submerging YOURSELF in the word to see where it takes u? Have u thought of ways to fully dedicate and/or surround yourself with meditations on God to  try and grasp the wonders of His word? Don't be fooled by the fact people say there are missing pieces, different versions, etc. Those are distractions that a meant to keep u from following exploring that information for yourself. Sure, all things aren't explained, but it is meant to be that way because God will give u explanation as u develop in Him and when u get to Heaven. Remember, all scripture THAT IS BREATHED OUT BY GOD is important (2 Timothy 3:16). Plus, never come to a conclusion until u have done a thorough investigation yourself, and I promise u that if u talk to God, explore His word, and be obedient to His path u will NEVER want to go back bc what u have left behind what pales in comparison to what u have to gain through Him. However, we must be doers of the word and not just hearers. It is easy to sit in church, applaud, and agree with the sermon or become excited or even read the word on your own. However, do u a APPLY this knowledge to your every day life? Don't stall out because u haven't fully explored God for yourself, or u don't fully apply the information given. Seek God and His righteousness, and all will be added (Matt. 6:33) no matter what u are going through.

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