
Saturday, May 31, 2014

Our Creator is NOT an Imitator or Duplicator (BT vol.3)

Isaiah 48:17 NIV

This is what the Lord says— your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: “I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go.

*It is dangerous to build a theology on a second hand experience...

Many people like to use an example or testimony of others as a road map towards your own success. There is nothing wrong with admiring another person's God given success, as the success of the devil is not true success, but a set up. However, testimonies and examples are meant to fire up your own faith and broaden your mind towards the array of possibilities that God can have for you. Better yet, they are meant to show the power of His capabilities, and direct you towards asking God HOW to achieve your own blessings and miracles. However, testimonies are not necessarily meant for u to copy the efforts of another individual. You have to ask yourself what is  your motive behind that? Seeking God first (Matt. 6:33) leads to receiving all things, not copying someone else to obtain the same effects. After all, we are not copies of each other. We are made in His image (2 Cor. 5:17); therefore, wouldn't you want to seek discernment and success from the one who created you and uniquely designed your purpose? Otherwise, your sacrifice and efforts from copying someone else is thoughtless and meaningless because you were meant to experience things differently for edification purposes of your own, unique ministry. Now, that's not to say don't seek counsel from Godly advisors that God leads to you, but make sure they were led to you and ask God HOW to apply the information to your own, unique situation. Get fired up regarding the fact  that if God can make a way for them, He can definitely do it for u and perhaps greater bc you are seeking Him authentically...God is a CREATOR; therefore there is no room for imitation and duplication when He wants you to have your own, unique story to tell as you grow in your ministry. Even if you go through the same situation as someone else, it is still being experienced differently bc of your unique qualities and mindset.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Transformation Food 4 Thought (vol.2 Con.)

1. May the blessings of God rain down upon us like the moisture of tonight, shake our circumstance like the sound of thunder, and wash away anything that is not like Him.

2. Life is an unexpected journey filled with loops, turns, potholes, and a highway leading you through each level of assignments as u ride on the road of purpose...No matter how,many times we veer in and out of the directions provided, God is still there to guide us towards the eternal destination with helpful pit stops and sights to see along the way.

3. Many people have suggestions, but few want to be a part of the solution...This walk of faith is more then words of encouragement and throwing out a few scriptures. How much are u willing to be "bothered," and how deep are you willing to sow?

Source of Power, Shield of Faith (BT. vol 2)

Psalm 3:3 (NIV)

3 But you, LORD,are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high.

*God is our source of strength during our time of need. It is not necessary to hold our head down due to the embarrassment of a trial. We will overcome, and have to remember that afflictions aren't often caused by the experiencer. Rather the experiencer is going through a metamorphic change in preparation for greater.

Our mind should not fret or even flinch at the thought of our current situation because there is more that is taking place behind the scenes to deliver you, then what you are currently experiencing when we are in right standing with God. Rather then worry, which adds nothing to the situation, it is our job to be diligent in obeying His guidance that is given through His word, from those that are spiritually led to you, to hearing His voice and receiving an unction to move.

He is even protecting us all the while if we invite Him in for sustainability, and believe in His power to shield us from what we think we want in order to leave room for all there is to gain.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Stop Limiting and Comparing (Con. of BT vol. 1)

Acts 10:34-35 King James Version (KJV)

34 Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons:

35 But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him.

*God has no respecter of persons; therefore God doesn't show favoritism. What He has is accessible to all, if u believe and ask how to be moved to receive all that you desire and what He has in store for u...

Push It Pass the Limit (BT vol. 1)

Why do we keep limiting God, or telling others to do so???

Scriptures on NOT limiting God:
Psalm 23, 37:4, 81:16, 103:1-6, 145:18-19; Philippians 4:19

Foundation Scripture:
Psalm 103: 1-6 (NIV)

Praise the LORD,my soul; 1 all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the LORD,my soul, 2 and FORGET NOT ALL HIS BENEFITS—who forgives all your sins 3 and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit 4 and crowns you with love and compassion, WHO SATISFIES YOUR DESIRES WITH GOOD THINGS 5 so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s. The LORD works righteousness 6 and justice for all the oppressed.

*This will be one of those Holy Spirit inspired posts with a side of aggravation and fire to it. Lol...My question for you is WHY DO WE CONTINUE TO LIMIT THE TYPES OF BLESSINGS WE ARE CAPABLE OF RECEIVING FROM GOD, OR WHY CAN'T WE BELIEVE FOR GREAT THINGS YET TELL OUR BROTHERS OR SISTERS TO TAKE BABY STEPS???

I am so TIRED of meeting believers who believe that you have to start from the bottom for A WHILE, and work your way to the top. What kind of mess is that??? Now, yes I understand SOME things will take effort that will take time like becoming a doctor (by going through school), getting married (depending on the couple) takes courtship and really getting to know each other for a while, or perhaps building something bc it takes time to plan and accrue supplies...the list goes on and on. However, notice that all time frames and the style of going about things can vary, and most importantly the time frame is up to you! Whatever you are capable of setting your faith for is what will occur. The opportunities are limitless if we would stop listening to assumptions and believe!

Monday, May 26, 2014

Strength in Self Control

Proverbs 25:28 (NIV)
Like a city whose walls are broken through is a person who lacks self-control.

*Our hearts and minds encounter spiritual warfare daily: Sometimes we don't feel like being a vessel to help or shine light for others, we have to make choices on whether to adhere to the easiness of the wrong thing then follow through with doing what's right, or we may face opportunities that help determine how we govern ourselves be it completely Godly or lukewarm in nature. For instance if you find yourself willing to wait on God for a mate, but you keep trying to draw attention to yourself, that is a self control issue. If God told you to wait on a specific blessing, but you choose to go out and do what you have to bc you are tired of waiting, that is an issue of self control. Even eating more then you should is an issue of self control. There are so many things to be tempted by and that try to overpower your potential to exude self control, but we must pray for temperance. Temperance, which is one of the fruits of the spirit, (Galatians 5:22-23), is a Godly characteristic that gives us the ability to exude restraint and self control. By exercising temperance, we can be more focused on where God is trying to get us to, rather then desperation or or looking for alternatives to get there. Temperance restrains from things we are not meant to encounter or be bothered with, while helping us still stay focused on God's guidance to receive more then we expect. Therefore, as you celebrate this Memorial Day, think about the discipline soldiers showed in the military to carry out an assignment even till their death. That's the type of discipline we need to establish as we grow in learning self-control for the sake of properly carrying out and receiving blessings through God's will.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Loyalty Check

Do not waver, for a person with divided loyalty is as unsettled  as a wave of the sea that is blown and tossed by the wind...Their loyalty is divided between God and the world, and they are unstable in everything they do (James 1:6,8 NIV).

*Every day, we have a chance to prove our loyalty to God and be a light for the sake of others. God's loyalty towards us never wavers....He remembers to wake us up each morning, never forgets any measurement of assistance to get us through each day, and shows unwavering love despite how we may misrepresent ourselves, Him, or forget to take time out for Him. Therefore, why is it that the very individual who is loyal and provides for us is the very person that we neglect or can't be true to? Many people are MORE loyal to people who carry humanistic traits to fail you, loyal to stuff that can break or disappear, or loyal to behaviors that do not bring any source of prosperity or guidance. If these people put ideas and behaviors over God, then how can these very same individuals show loyalty, yet alone expect it? Also, if you are truly loyal, why would you surround yourself with individuals of questionable loyalty? This is an unnecessary hardship you bring on yourself. Therefore, trust God who is the one that constantly looks out for you and has your best interest at heart. He can gives you discernment on who to trust to fulfill the needs of your heart, mind, body, and soul. If you are unable to fully put trust in Him without  leaning to your own understanding,  ask yourself can you really expect the best or even be trusted with anything except less?

Friday, May 23, 2014

And We Wonder Why...

There are  too many believers spending time comparing and contrasting, and not enough equal yokes that are on the same page to touch and agree. Stretch beyond what you know to help each other grow....

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Where is Your Mind At?

2 Timothy 3:1-9 ESV

But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.

*Ever wonder why God tells you to avoid people or leave them alone? It could be because they have Schizophrenia of the spirit, and God doesn't want that uncertainty to run off on you. This is not a joke: So many people claim to love God and live for Him, but do not listen to His suggestions on fixing your lifestyle, reaching out to others, or will not allow their mind to wrap their head around His possibilities. They claim to trust Him, but still date who that want to and not who they are led to; they love Him, but can't help or so much as listen to their brothers and sisters in need; they say they seek Him first for decisions, but yet they are still "doing what they gotta do;" or they ask for friends, but treat each other like crap or isolate themselves to one group. This list goes on, but what is a clue that their mental psyche is not aligned with the Holy Spirit is when they consistently do this on a regular basis. Sure, we all make mistakes, but in the last days inconsistent behavior is often confused with a mistake. Take the time to analyze your lifestyle, and ask yourself are you living in a bubble of what you view to be normal...OR, are you following the normalities governed by the word?

Actions Speak Louder Then Words

Go Beyond Helping Yourself and Those Close To U...

It's great to go to church, pray, and study the word...BUT it is more effective when you actually apply it consistently to your situation and to help others. Otherwise, you may experience a lot of illusions and confusion...

James 1:22 (NIV)

Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Authentic You or Your Representative?

Colossians 3:9 ESV

Do not lie to one another, seeing that you have put off the old self with its practices...

*Today, God is want us to grow to appreciate ourselves including our shortcomings, the things we have been through and currently face, and accept who you are as the person He proclaims you to be without worry about or comparing yourself to others or comparing yourself to your life when before you were born again.

In today's world, people are often selfish and unable to relate to or help others properly because of how they view themselves. They may not be happy with their choices in life; therefore, they cover up the truth with lies....Lies could be everything from hiding behind an array of enhancements for your appearance or what you own, pretending to have or be something you aren't, fabricating your family life, or even modeling your lifestyle to embrace what is accepted in the world vs what God tells us to stand by. All these are lies, particularly if you are more dependent on this to get you through vs being reliant on God. God wants us to be the authentic individuals He ordained us to be in order to carry out our true purpose. (If you don't know you purpose in Him ask, review your talents, and see how they line up with the word of God.)

Who we are as authentic individuals was meant to be a testimony to share and be able to relate to others, be edified by our brothers and sisters in Christ, and empowered by the word of God. Don't allow yourself to be covered up, miss out on what you want because you are ashamed that you desire it, or conform to the standards and thoughts of this world. That is NOT  the norm or reality God wants us to face. He has more in store for us, people for us to meet, and impacts we need to make. However, you must first keep it real with Him and yourself before you can with someone else...

Mark 11:25 is a Must

Mark 11:25: Acknowledging and forgiving will set u free!

7 Keys to Life...Self Help

The above link is from my church. It is very insightful and is a must to review, particularly if you are going through something. It also puts your moral compass into perspective. I am Linked Up!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Mercy = Compassion

Luke 6:36  (NIV)
36 Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.

*Having mercy on someone is the same is being compassionate towards that individual. This is one of the key characteristics that God wants us to have towards one another because we are created in His image (2 Corinthians 5:17). He is also a compassionate God filled with a lot of love for us all (2 Chronicles 30:9, Neh. 9:16).

People often guess at how a person could be doing better for themselves, speculate what occurred in the lives of the individual, or judge them for their transgressions while at the same time forgetting to be compassionate or merciful towards that person. That very hardship, issue, decision, or experience that person is facing could have landed on you.The same way God's blessings are for everyone, so are the devil's hardships. The devil comes to see who he can devour (1 Peter 5:8). Plus, you never know how a person got to that particular place in their life, and where God is trying to take them. Therefore show more compassion towards that individual, especially if you are unaware of the full situation. Your compassion can carry a person further in faith and hope then your assumption. Plus, God is watching the type of seed you are sowing into individuals, even with your words. You never know how your compassion can help you in the future, of hinder you from the lack there of....

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Formed with a Purpose

Psalm 139:13-16 ESV

For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.

*God knew our purpose, faults, the choices we would make, and the mistakes we would take on before they even occurred. Regardless to what we have done in life He was aware of these things, and still provides a purpose for our life and connections we are suppose make for impact purposes for His namesake. It doesn't matter what you have done and the natural limitations that may have been placed on your life from the consequences of your decisions. That still doesn't remove the calling on your life because you always have a choice to embrace it, and to embrace the blessings the calling holds if you choose to believe. However, should you not embrace the calling placed on you before birth, those connected to you will not be punished. However, you will be because those talents would have gone to waste and the windows of opportunity shut because you didn't grow in your purpose (see Matt. 25:13-30).
Don't allow your past choices, mistakes, fear of what is to come, or uncertainty of the task at hand take you away from God's approval of knowing you are qualified to handle the calling on your life or the favor you are suppose to receive from it. Also, don't allow the distraction of hardship to cause a stronghold that deters you from His guidance. He has something greater for you to do...Far beyond the stipulations of the world and the hindrances that are are no match for supernaturally capabilities. #Pray4TheGrowthOfOurMinds&Actions

Walk of Faith

This walk is no where near easy, yet the peace I hold in my heart reminds me that it's worth it...

Matthew 7:13-14 ESV

“Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.

What's the Reason Behind Your Desire?

A breakthrough is not just for you, but to share with those you are linked to as well...Are u ready to share your slice of the pie once u receive? #Discernment

Defining Beauty

Pretty is as one Godly does....Actions are everything while the look will follow.

Evaluate to Uncover the Solution

To be rescued means that you have a problem you need to be taken away from, but when you are the problem then it isn't about being rescued as it is the point of being  reconstructed...Know the real root of the problem to receive the right solution.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Tempting or Tangible

1 Corinthians 10:13 (NIV)
No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.

*Temptation comes in many forms, and rises up at any given opportunity. Often, it is during times of vulnerability: Perhaps you are going through something, unsure of your next move or decision, perhaps you're having issues understanding a certain situation, realized a burning desire, or you are at the end of your rope. All these are potential possibilities for temptation to occur.
Something often appears tempting when u desire someone or something, but lack it; something/one comes along during a vulnerable time and seems to fill a desired void for the time being; or the same type of individual or desire is capable of bringing something out of you that you didn't prepare for or even recognize the existence of the desire.
Many people are unrealistic regarding temptation possibilities, or may even judge others for being tempted in areas they may feel strong in. However, never feel bad when you encounter temptation, and don't allow others to make you feel inferior. Other individuals have experienced that same level of temptation before bc there is nothing new under the sun. Plus, as believers in Christ, we are suppose to uplift those that suffer, especially in an area that we are strong in. It is not our job to judge because judging doesn't save lives. However, love, relatability, and encouragement will save and drive out forces. Also, examine the element of temptation and make sure you aren't confusing it with opportunity. Sometimes, something that seems tempting may be your lifeline for getting away for complacency and unhappiness. Therefore, make sure to always consult with God because He is not the author of confusion (1 Cor. 14:33). He does things decently and in order (Numbers 23:19); therefore, know He will not let you be tempted more then you can bare, and He will provide you with a way out if the scenario isn't for you. Use discernment to know the difference between the window of Godly opportunity, or the opportunity for dispair.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Holy Censorship and Filtration

1 Peter 2:9 New International Version (NIV)

9 But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.

   *No matter what we are facing on Earth, those of us who have chosen to be saved and truly live a life for Christ are considered His chosen people. We ALL have this option, but it is up to u to tske it. Therefore, as a selected individual, we have been chosen to represent God. That representation should be based on the word and our relationship with Him. If your life doesn't reflect Christ's image regardless to what you are going through, then you may want to examine your relationship with Him. For example, if you are going through a trial and still find the ability to receive joy, peace, and have concern for others then you will find your life is a representation of His and how He conducted Himself during His suffering on Earth. If you can still walk in love against those who do not mean you well without throwing it up in their faces, you are representing Him. Also, if you can resist temptation to participate in immoral behavior such as lying, cheating, sexing, gossiping, homosexuality, putting other gods before Him, drinking, etc, then you are representing His light despite living in a world filled with dark alternatives.
   God called us out of darkness into His marvelous light not just for the sake of our own enjoyment and freedom from bondage regardless of our circumstance, but to show others a positive alternative and ensure the ability of deliverance rather then a cycle of ups and downs that the word takes us through. When you embrace AUTHENTIC Godly living without remixing it with things in the world, then you will feel and be able to be the shining example God called you to be...

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

No Excuse for the Inexcusable

The excuses that you provide today for not being obedient or being doers of the word can cause your downfall later. God is not a mean individual who desires to restrict you from people and things. On the contrary, He desires to protect you. Therefore, if you know you have relationships of any type that are unequally yoked, your sowing could use work, your love walk is tattered, or your courage and integrity is sketchy, then it is time to reflect and revamp. In obtaining the desires of our heart, we must first do our job to get there. Nine times out of ten, if you feel bad bc you should or shouldn't be doing or saying something, then you probably need to investigate doing the opposite...

Luke 6:38 (NIV)
Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Distractions While Overcoming Distress

1 Thessalonians 5:15 NIV

Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always strive to do what is good for each other and for everyone else.

*During my current moment of trials, I have had the opportunity to learn many lessons as I embark on going to the next level. One lesson in particular is not paying back the evil experiences and ridicule I have come across. In life, we all have gone through something. What may intensify that ordeal is the way others may view or treat you as you experience the growing pains of becoming a better person. You may even encounter individuals who add fuel to the fire, but know that it is a test....A test to see if you will remember God's promises over unruly behavior, implement His word during your moment of intensity, and still walk in love as Jesus did while baring the elements of the cross. Many times, the treatment you may sometimes experience from people and the breaking down of things is all a plot from the devil keep you from reaching the promises of God. These are known as distractions designed to help us veer off course, and prolong our circumstance. However, remember to stay focused on having life more abundantly (John 10:10), no matter what it looks like or how people treat you. Let them miss out on their blessings if they come across as negative or even sweet but out of the will of God, while you stay true to the course of God's will.

Expect the Unexpected

Many times people allow others to limit their expectations, reprogram their minds to adhere to what others can grasp, and believe only what is optional in front of you. However, God came so that we may have life more abundantly (John 10:10); therefore, we are not limited to what people understand or tell us we are suppose to have or accept. When you live for God, you are now governed by His promise of the impossible and the possibilities of the abnormal. Are you ready for more then you can imagine, or will you limit yourself to what your experience has allowed you to handle?

Friday, May 9, 2014

A New Thing

Ephesians 4:22-24 (NLT)

Throw off your old sinful nature and your former way of life, which is corrupted by list and deception. Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. Put on your new nature, created to be like God-truly righteous and holy...

*Do you really know what it means to put off your old nature? Have you tried to wrap your mind around letting go of ALL the things you learned in the world to now live and think the way God has always intended you to do so? People are often on unable to embrace betterment, be in God-ordained relationships, or fathom prosperity beyond the imagination because they are too busy remembering things the way they were in your secular life. These things that were prohibited, hurt you, stifled dreams, or were set up in a system meant to fail.

However, living for God is completely the opposite of those unnatural cycles. What is meant to be natural is having life more abundantly (John 10:10), and realize all the things God wants you to have and who He has destined you to be...You have an authentic self that was never meant to conform to the restraints of the world, or confine you only to what you have come to know and maybe even love. There is so much more to life in Christ. However, you have to be willing to put off the old man and embrace the fact that you can be a new creature in Him (2 Corinthians 5:17). You also have to be accepting and grow to understand and embrace the regulations set in the Godly realm for you to prosper be it through the fruits of the spirit that we discussed yesterday (see Galatians 5:22-23). I don't know about you, but a mediocre lifestyle, confinements set by others, and restraints bc of circumstance is not what I desire to constantly adhere to...I'm ready to rise above what I have grown to know and tolerate, and embrace all possibilities and potentials. Are you?

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Taste and See If You Are Good

Jeremiah 17:10 ESV

“I the Lord search the heart and test the mind, to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his deeds.”
(Note: The fruits of the spirit are love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control-Galatians 5:22.)

*God provides us the choice of how we choose to govern ourselves. We can choose to dictate our own acts of how we handle people, or we can utilize the guidelines of how God tells us to implement the fruits of the spirit. Notice that the fruits of the spirit do not include any measures or acts that go outside of the boundaries of control and the promotion of the elements of unconditional love. Notice how God judges your heart and thoughts of your mind according to how or if you utilize these elements. Why the heart and the mind? Because in the heart is where the truth lies of how you feel about certain people or situations. You can rationalize things in your head and hide them with your appearance, but the heart provides the true passion or disgust for something or someone without compromise (see 1 Samuel 16:7). The thoughts of the mind can be hidden from people through the appearance of doing good works, but your secret notice may produce stinking and thinking. Our heart and mind tells our true test of faith and brotherly love. Notice how love is the first fruit and the rest follow. We must first develop true love before we can get a grip on any of the other elements of the spirit, and even begin to embrace all the levels of rewards that God has for us. Love is the greatest commandment (Matt. 22:36-40). Therefore, examine the types of fruits you are given off and their ripeness. This  determines the motive behind your faith, and how you are rewarded. Are your fruits sweet enough to produce a delicious season, or are you producing a product that promises to yield little or no return?

Renewing of the Mind

Ephesians 6:10

The Armor of God

10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. (NIV)

*Before can truly embrace our purpose, begin or fulfill our destiny, or embrace any assignments, we must build strength and belief in God and what we know in His word vs what we believe is true. Some people have heard the word and maybe even study what it says (as you should to relate it to your life's circumstances), but have yet to fully renew their mind and embrace God's power and capabilities for your life. Instead, people settle for day by day restrictions, feeling unworthy or incapable of accomplishing the tasks God gives us, hold on to embedded ways of thinking that are formed from cliches or superstitions, or are governed by fear because you are too scared of trying the unknown. Instead of embracing God's power, people trap themselves in this bubble of leaning on your own understanding or sticking with life as you know it vs life as God says and would have it to be.

For example, every time you embrace death, a hardship, or isolating yourself from certain individuals, you are saying it is God's will for this to occur when that is NOT AT ALL the case. This is not to say that you won't experience things, but think of His promises: How can God promise you 120 years on this planet (Genesis 6:3), but tell you your time is up in life before you reach that period? How can He tell you to go out and preach the gospel go the world (Mark 16:15), but tell you to isolate yourself and only edify one group? How is it that He wants you to have health and prosperity (3 John 2), but places sickness and failure on you? That is because He didn't! These are often due to choices we have made, and beliefs we choose to follow. Yes, it takes time for certain things, but God can even reveal that to us through the signs and wonders He provides as you walk the path He ordained, and set into motion for your destiny. For instance, my career path has been set. The time it took to go through this was longer then expected, but bc of seeds sown and people He has brought into my life, He confirms I am still on the right path. God is powerful enough to make His presence known. If you are on the wrong path, or thinking the wrong thing, you will know it if you allow yourself to be intuned with whether or not you are missing His presence or the green light to say things unless it is in His word.

Don't fall short to sayings, known circumstances, or those sneaky thoughts that try to hinder the mind and block the blessings. Embrace God's power to COMPLETELY renew your mind, and strengthen your faith in all the possibilities you are capable of if you are only willing to EMBRACE and believe.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Who Do You Think You Are?

Ephesians 5:12-17 (NIV)

12 It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. 13 But everything exposed by the light becomes visible—and everything that is illuminated becomes a light. 14 This is why it is said: “Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.” 15 Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, 16 making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. 17 Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.

*Are you living according to the guidance of someone else, how you want to be perceived by others, or within the mediocre boundaries of a safety net that you have created to avoid disappointment? These choices keep us from embracing the life God wants us to grasp. Instead, people or trapped in a life ordained by the confinements of their experiences or developed from the opinions of others. Each disappointment or opinion given by someone with lower faith cools the fire God places in us, and dims the light to potentially be a TRUE example of God's supernatural capabilities. We walk through life sleeping on scriptures that open the gateway for exceeding and abundant life, and embrace the limitations of natural fulfillment.

However, God is trying to expose our authentic selves that have been covered by failures and trapped from the hurts of unfulfilled desires. He is waiting for us to embrace the fire we were born with, and go beyond set boundaries to dictate a supernatural future of overflow. However, you must first put down your secret disobedient practices...the hidden things you like to do, say, taste, touch, or just explore those things that are not of God nor has He given permission to embrace. Those thoughts of knowing you have been given assignments, seeds to sow, or tasks to FULLY embrace yet they are ignored daily. Therefore, do not live in foolishness or a lifestyle triggered by your thoughts...Embrace His will even if it is just to be still enough to allow the full manifestation to occur.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Order My Steps in Your Word

1 Timothy 3:5 English Standard Version (ESV)

5 for if someone does not know how to manage his own household, how will he care for God's church?

*While reading today, God spoke to me on how His people have no order. They are constantly looking to edify someone else, or tell them what needs to be fixed, but their household is in disarray. This is often due to disobedience. Perhaps you are not waiting on God long enough for your manifestation, you do not listen to Him when He tells you to do something, you are 'doing what you have to do' rather then what you are told to do; or it can be something as simple as your organizational skills are a mess. Either way, God may be waiting on you to develop more order in your life before He can take you to the next level.

God is a God of order, and not the author of confusion (Numbers 23:19). Therefore, sometimes it takes tweeking things in your current situation to receive the full manifestation of balance. For example, in Matt. 22:36-40, it talks about the greatest commandment being love. If we don't have love, we have nothing. Therefore, lack of order in your lifestyles can be due to your inability to truly act on loving God to the fullest and loving your neighbor as yourself. That is a lot of true love regardless to what a person does, what your flesh believes, or how long God takes we must walk in and REMAIN handling each other with love. Let's challenge ourselves to go deeper in our efforts to seek order, and order our steps in God's word. It is not all about what is said, but how your beliefs are consistently shown with order.

Fill in the Cracks

Good morning...Start your week off with awareness. Be aware of all the cracks in your life that can allow the devil to slip in, and be sure to plug them. He is out to steal what's rightfully yours, kill your joy and those connected to u, and destroy all possibilities of your belief. However, God came to  give us life more ABUNDANTLY (John 10:10). Therefore, plug the cracks that hinder your love walk, peace, stability, and reassurance in your plan of action to obtain your heart's desire.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Heartburns Covered by God

Psalm 73:26 “My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.”

*I'm sure we all have had times when we have been disgusted, annoyed, or upset by someone or something. Our flesh may have even gotten the best of us by reacting to the issue before thinking things through. Perhaps it was even the slightest reaction of talking about the person or rehearsing the situation with a friend, even though we should just go to God in prayer about it. This is an example of our flesh failing. Particularly, if we have not listened to God on what to do or how to handle things. Never the less, God's mercy prevails during any situation and we can rest in Him.

We are able to rest to take a moment to think through the situation with Him, take a break from it period by learning to give it to Him, renew our mind on how to move forward with His instructions, and find a peace of mind. You see, we will have humanly reactions, but thank God for His mercy and grace. He covers us with mercy because He forgives our thoughts and if there is a reaction, we in turn develop mercy towards others, and because we are including Him in everything His grace will abound towards us. I pray you let God in the situation, but most importantly in your heart.

Blessed 2 Be a Blessing

God doesn't often just let things fall out of the sky...He will use us to help each other so that we can assist and grow with one another. This is how we sow seeds of faith to receive a continuous harvest...Are you a willing vessel?

Hebrews 13:16 NIV

And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.

Going Through 4 You

Sometimes a person doesn't go through things bc of poor choices, but rather because the person is meant to be a testimony to save someone else...There is more to our ministries then meets the eye...

Friday, May 2, 2014

Beyond the Natural Elements To Be Supernaturally Uplifted

I pray that our minds think beyond what we have experienced, and begin to comprehend what we are ordained to be; may our hearts begin to feel what is real and let go of the protective walls of blockage; and may our spirits engulf our eyes to see what is possible rather then what has currently come upon us....#HelpUs2HelpEachOther #EndApproaching

Luke 17:5 (NLT)
Show us how to increase our faith...


Philippians 3:13 (KJV)

Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forth unto those things which are before.

*In order to move on in any situation and to renew your mind, you must forget the past. We must forget the learned behavior, schemes, and treatment of the things of the world and embrace what there is to gain in Christ. Even as a believer, you may run into people who do not care; claim to have God on ths inside, but display different behaviors outwardly; or abandon you in your time of need or because things won't go their way. Still, we must forgive and set our focus on God to move forward. People are of the flesh, and are often misguided and misinformed. However, if you pray for them, God has the power to change them and use them for your sake. Therefore, I don't have time to stay disgusted, but move on and learn from the situation. I don't have to deal with it because being stationary in mess blocks moving on and upward, but I can look forward to God's ability to make changes in order to cause the circumstance to move beyond the situation. You have the power to do so as well.