Godly inspiration for those who need uplifts or reminders. If you would like to support this page, please send donations to @Ash-D-7 via the Venmo app. Thank you for viewing and for your contributions!
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Food For Thought
I see so many debates in regards to Halloween and the celebration of it...I understand both angles, but if we aren't suppose to judge then let's not judge the individuals who chose to dress up, the churches who hold harvest fests, and those who so much as like a costume...God wants us to turn a negative into a positive...a bad into a good...so, if we aren't suppose to judge ppl then don't judge one day out of 364. Each day is the day that Lord has made, regardless to what it stands for...so, let's allow our love and BIG light to shine...give out scriptures in candy to win souls, show them what good costumes of characters in the Bible look like to combat evil...Show the love behind giving candy and the word rather then argue about amusement. Shouldn't the main focus be winning souls and not winning arguments? God loves the worst of the worst, so why can't we? God says when u can, live in peace with all men...don't jump on ppl when they aren't serving God the way u think they should. REMEMBER, THE DEVIL IS WATCHING HOW U REACT, SO DONT LET HIM IN TO INTERACT. #GodCameToSaveTheUnsaved!
Ephesians 5:20-21 ESV
Giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ.
*With everything that is happening world wide and with all that we could be susceptible to, we must remember to praise God for sparing us daily. If u are alive, u have been given a chance to make a difference, empower others, and be blessed to receive another opportunity to obtain the desires of your heart...let alone if u are fortunate enough to be healthy, have assets, and all is well with your family. Sometimes we take the little things for granted including the connections u have with others. Do u not know that someone reaching out to u is even a blessing? There are many ppl who fill alone, but yet u have countless individuals in your phone, including me, who love and think of u. Even being blessed to utilize your five senses is a reward in itself, but imagine how blessed u are if u have the gift of speaking in tongues and realizing your worth according to Christ's definition of your worthiness. Now, let's share the knowledge of our blessings, talents, and stamina with others in order to show the wonders of His love and to give Him praise and thanksgiving at the same time.
Giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ.
*With everything that is happening world wide and with all that we could be susceptible to, we must remember to praise God for sparing us daily. If u are alive, u have been given a chance to make a difference, empower others, and be blessed to receive another opportunity to obtain the desires of your heart...let alone if u are fortunate enough to be healthy, have assets, and all is well with your family. Sometimes we take the little things for granted including the connections u have with others. Do u not know that someone reaching out to u is even a blessing? There are many ppl who fill alone, but yet u have countless individuals in your phone, including me, who love and think of u. Even being blessed to utilize your five senses is a reward in itself, but imagine how blessed u are if u have the gift of speaking in tongues and realizing your worth according to Christ's definition of your worthiness. Now, let's share the knowledge of our blessings, talents, and stamina with others in order to show the wonders of His love and to give Him praise and thanksgiving at the same time.
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Deliverance is a Divine Right of Passage for All
1 Chronicles 16:8
Oh give thanks to the Lord; call upon his name; make known his deeds among the peoples!
Our testimonies are often the very element that helps others hold on to their faith, believe in the possibility of overcoming their trial, and serves as a strengthening tool to get others through the storm. By remaining silent about your triumphs, u are not doing your part to share the goodness of His mercy and the benefits of coming out of darkness and into His marvelous light. Please, don't ever be ashamed to confess your past faults and provide details of your deliverance. We all have sinned and fallen short of His glory, and the very thing u are hiding from the public could be the main element for your ministry. We are all ministers for the Father, and we have our own unique way of communicating and reaching different individuals. Let's do our part in spreading the wonders of His work, and informing others that if God can delivery us then he can deliver anyone. He has no respecter of persons (Acts 10:34-35). If he did it for me, he can do it for u.
Oh give thanks to the Lord; call upon his name; make known his deeds among the peoples!
Our testimonies are often the very element that helps others hold on to their faith, believe in the possibility of overcoming their trial, and serves as a strengthening tool to get others through the storm. By remaining silent about your triumphs, u are not doing your part to share the goodness of His mercy and the benefits of coming out of darkness and into His marvelous light. Please, don't ever be ashamed to confess your past faults and provide details of your deliverance. We all have sinned and fallen short of His glory, and the very thing u are hiding from the public could be the main element for your ministry. We are all ministers for the Father, and we have our own unique way of communicating and reaching different individuals. Let's do our part in spreading the wonders of His work, and informing others that if God can delivery us then he can deliver anyone. He has no respecter of persons (Acts 10:34-35). If he did it for me, he can do it for u.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
The Importance of Brotherly Kindness
I can not express how important this is in life! I live by this...PLEASE take it into consideration.
Harvest Expectation with a Side of Generosity
2 Cor. 9:6
Sometimes an individual's personality is not shaped from past experiences, but rather the desire to sow the proper seeds to receive the same harvest in return...
Show Commentary
Add parallel2 Corinthians 9:6-8
New International Version (NIV)
Generosity Encouraged
6 Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. 7 Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion,for God loves a cheerful giver. 8 And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.Freedom of Communication Should = Godly Communication
Galations 5:13
For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another.
We have the freedom to love and edify one another. We build each other through the love of Christ and learning how to effectively communicate with one another. However, our method of edification should always line up with the word. It is often easy to be hard on your brother or sister in Christ bc our subconscious often believes that Christians are suppose to be perfect and live upright consistently. This is the trick of the world, which allows others to look for failure and hope for the fall. However, let's remember that we are constantly growing in Christ, and we are ALL learning to transition from worldy behavior to Godly behavior. Please, know that no one will ever reach perfection, but that doesn't provide an excuse for slacking or or judging. Let's be the iron that sharpens one another in order to not just ensure our success, but to provide the true definition of agape love and the success of others.
For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another.
We have the freedom to love and edify one another. We build each other through the love of Christ and learning how to effectively communicate with one another. However, our method of edification should always line up with the word. It is often easy to be hard on your brother or sister in Christ bc our subconscious often believes that Christians are suppose to be perfect and live upright consistently. This is the trick of the world, which allows others to look for failure and hope for the fall. However, let's remember that we are constantly growing in Christ, and we are ALL learning to transition from worldy behavior to Godly behavior. Please, know that no one will ever reach perfection, but that doesn't provide an excuse for slacking or or judging. Let's be the iron that sharpens one another in order to not just ensure our success, but to provide the true definition of agape love and the success of others.
When God Sets You Free, You are Free Indeed
John 8:36
36 So if the Son sets you free, you
will be free indeed.
I pray we embrace our freedom...not just for the sake of obtaining deliverance for whatever u are going through, but freedom to know your worth, realize the value of your individuality, and recognize your divine and unique role in uniting with your brothers and sister to uplift God's kingdom and bring others into it. U are free to show God's love to others, free to embrace the qualities of life and the simple beauties within it, and free to utilize your own discernment and not speak through others to get to God, or have them direct u. Now, imagine if u didn't have those freedoms? Better yet, imagine the disappointment and sadness it brings to the Father when we don't take advantage of these freedoms. Enjoy your hump day and take advantage of it. :-)
36 So if the Son sets you free, you
will be free indeed.
I pray we embrace our freedom...not just for the sake of obtaining deliverance for whatever u are going through, but freedom to know your worth, realize the value of your individuality, and recognize your divine and unique role in uniting with your brothers and sister to uplift God's kingdom and bring others into it. U are free to show God's love to others, free to embrace the qualities of life and the simple beauties within it, and free to utilize your own discernment and not speak through others to get to God, or have them direct u. Now, imagine if u didn't have those freedoms? Better yet, imagine the disappointment and sadness it brings to the Father when we don't take advantage of these freedoms. Enjoy your hump day and take advantage of it. :-)
Never Settle for Less than Your Inheritance
Galatians 5:24
24 And those who belong to Christ
Jesus have crucified the flesh with
its passions and desires.
Sometimes the very things we love, enjoy, or even may secretly desire can be the same things that hold us back and keep us from what God actually has for us. He loves us so much and gives us free will, which often gives us the choice to settle for what we think we want rather then receive the true inheritance of what we are suppose to have through HIS riches and glory. I don't know about u, but some things feel right but seem to be a little difficult to obtain...that's often God's way of telling u that it/him/her is not for u bc he is not the author of confusion or provides the incorporation of difficulty. So, the next time u experience a blockade, u want something and can't seem to have it, or u feel as though there is an issue completing something, ask the Father if what u desire is a part of His perfect will or a part of the flesh's derailment.
24 And those who belong to Christ
Jesus have crucified the flesh with
its passions and desires.
Sometimes the very things we love, enjoy, or even may secretly desire can be the same things that hold us back and keep us from what God actually has for us. He loves us so much and gives us free will, which often gives us the choice to settle for what we think we want rather then receive the true inheritance of what we are suppose to have through HIS riches and glory. I don't know about u, but some things feel right but seem to be a little difficult to obtain...that's often God's way of telling u that it/him/her is not for u bc he is not the author of confusion or provides the incorporation of difficulty. So, the next time u experience a blockade, u want something and can't seem to have it, or u feel as though there is an issue completing something, ask the Father if what u desire is a part of His perfect will or a part of the flesh's derailment.
The Best Choice is Often the Least Chosen
1 Cor. 1:27-But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong;
Sometimes what God chooses doesn't make sense in accordance to what we believe to be common sense. He will utilize the irrational to get a point across to the rational; he will choose the unthinkable to show his mighty power to those who have forgotten to think outside the box; and he will show u that the unloved are just as important as those who are believed to be blessed and highly favored. The point is that God does not have a class pyramid, a hierarchy of the approved, or respect any person more so then the next. We are all on equal playing feels and are capable of receiving the same blessings and curses as the next. However, which ever u decide is your choice in the end. Choose wisely, live according to his will and not based on your own understanding, and know that God has a way to give u something to think about by choosing the least of us to put u in check. Heavenly grace has no particular name on it...it is up for the taking. ;-)
Sometimes what God chooses doesn't make sense in accordance to what we believe to be common sense. He will utilize the irrational to get a point across to the rational; he will choose the unthinkable to show his mighty power to those who have forgotten to think outside the box; and he will show u that the unloved are just as important as those who are believed to be blessed and highly favored. The point is that God does not have a class pyramid, a hierarchy of the approved, or respect any person more so then the next. We are all on equal playing feels and are capable of receiving the same blessings and curses as the next. However, which ever u decide is your choice in the end. Choose wisely, live according to his will and not based on your own understanding, and know that God has a way to give u something to think about by choosing the least of us to put u in check. Heavenly grace has no particular name on it...it is up for the taking. ;-)
Loving Discipline
Proverbs 3:11-12
11 My son, do not despise the Lord's
or be weary of his reproof,
12 for the Lord reproves him whom
he loves,
as a father the son in whom he
God loves u enough to not just correct the mistakes we make, but to let u have freedom of choice. However, our choices are not without consequences. The type of consequences,(be it good or bad),are determine by whether we choose to lean on our own understanding or stay under the umbrella of protection. God is even so merciful that he gives a gentle warning even when we are on the wrong side of the tracks. However, even the punishment is still out of love, and serves as a warning to keep His beautiful children away from the evil of this world. So, next time u get a ticket, crush on someone that is not meant to be, not adhere to a budget plan where u owe no man nothing but to love them, or step out of line in some other manner, know that God still loves...he loves u enough to show u when u are wrong, but still gives u a chance to clean up where u messed up and start over again.
11 My son, do not despise the Lord's
or be weary of his reproof,
12 for the Lord reproves him whom
he loves,
as a father the son in whom he
God loves u enough to not just correct the mistakes we make, but to let u have freedom of choice. However, our choices are not without consequences. The type of consequences,(be it good or bad),are determine by whether we choose to lean on our own understanding or stay under the umbrella of protection. God is even so merciful that he gives a gentle warning even when we are on the wrong side of the tracks. However, even the punishment is still out of love, and serves as a warning to keep His beautiful children away from the evil of this world. So, next time u get a ticket, crush on someone that is not meant to be, not adhere to a budget plan where u owe no man nothing but to love them, or step out of line in some other manner, know that God still loves...he loves u enough to show u when u are wrong, but still gives u a chance to clean up where u messed up and start over again.
True Accountability Partner
Leviticus 20:7-8
7 Consecrate yourselves, therefore,
and be holy, for I am the Lord your
God. 8 Keep my statutes and do
them; I am the Lord who sanctifies
Many times we go through life feeling like we have to explain ourselves to others, give into account of why we function the way we do, or explain our behaviors to make others feel better. However, sometimes these explanations are unnecessary, and the person u are explaining yourself to does not care one way of the other. Know who your true accountability partner is...it is God. We are created in His image and should uphold what he believes is the best way to act or conduct ourselves. Other ppl don't have a heaven or he'll to place u in...they are just actors in your play, and your obedience to God through the what would Jesus do (WWJD) factor should be what dictates your happy ending. Remember, we all have discernment for a reason, so focus on how to please Him and the rest will fall in place. U can never make man completely happy...besides, if your behavior, words, treatment of others, and actions line up with His will for your life then who cares about the rest.
7 Consecrate yourselves, therefore,
and be holy, for I am the Lord your
God. 8 Keep my statutes and do
them; I am the Lord who sanctifies
Many times we go through life feeling like we have to explain ourselves to others, give into account of why we function the way we do, or explain our behaviors to make others feel better. However, sometimes these explanations are unnecessary, and the person u are explaining yourself to does not care one way of the other. Know who your true accountability partner is...it is God. We are created in His image and should uphold what he believes is the best way to act or conduct ourselves. Other ppl don't have a heaven or he'll to place u in...they are just actors in your play, and your obedience to God through the what would Jesus do (WWJD) factor should be what dictates your happy ending. Remember, we all have discernment for a reason, so focus on how to please Him and the rest will fall in place. U can never make man completely happy...besides, if your behavior, words, treatment of others, and actions line up with His will for your life then who cares about the rest.
Staying Focused
Galatians 6:9-10
9 And let us not grow weary of doing
good, for in due season we will reap,
if we do not give up. 10 So then, as
we have opportunity, let us do good
to everyone, and especially to those
who are of the household of faith.
Confirmation from yesterday's service at FCC (Faith Christian Center, Smyrna, GA)...With all in the evil in the world, wouldn't u want to be the positivity that a person sees, or show love to help your sister and brother push forward and succeed? We experience enough negativity and trials without adding to it ourselves, so stay focused on loving each other and uplifting one another. Don't grow weary and accidentally slip into the judgmental habits of the world.
9 And let us not grow weary of doing
good, for in due season we will reap,
if we do not give up. 10 So then, as
we have opportunity, let us do good
to everyone, and especially to those
who are of the household of faith.
Confirmation from yesterday's service at FCC (Faith Christian Center, Smyrna, GA)...With all in the evil in the world, wouldn't u want to be the positivity that a person sees, or show love to help your sister and brother push forward and succeed? We experience enough negativity and trials without adding to it ourselves, so stay focused on loving each other and uplifting one another. Don't grow weary and accidentally slip into the judgmental habits of the world.
Mistakes Don't Define Us
Romans 5:17
17 For if, because of one man's
trespass, death reigned through that
one man, much more will those who
receive the abundance of grace and
the free gift of righteousness reign in
life through the one man Jesus
Adam's mistake doesn't give a license to accept that we will sin, and embrace potential failure...his mistake reminds us that we may have trials, but if we failed bc we did our best then grace covers us. However, habitual sinning is not the idea behind knowing u are covered by grace...this will only lead to a greater downfall or hardship that u have willingly placed upon yourself for leaning on your own understanding, or embracing your desires vs God's guidance. God is freely waiting to direct our paths, but first we must give him an open invitation to do so. Many times I want the result without doing the work bc I'm tired or something just seems so good, but my efforts help dictate the quality of my harvest and my harvest determines how my needs will be satisfied through God's riches and glory. Let's work hard now to be able to play hard later, but first ask God to map out the agenda and write the vision to make it plain. Enjoy your day!
17 For if, because of one man's
trespass, death reigned through that
one man, much more will those who
receive the abundance of grace and
the free gift of righteousness reign in
life through the one man Jesus
Adam's mistake doesn't give a license to accept that we will sin, and embrace potential failure...his mistake reminds us that we may have trials, but if we failed bc we did our best then grace covers us. However, habitual sinning is not the idea behind knowing u are covered by grace...this will only lead to a greater downfall or hardship that u have willingly placed upon yourself for leaning on your own understanding, or embracing your desires vs God's guidance. God is freely waiting to direct our paths, but first we must give him an open invitation to do so. Many times I want the result without doing the work bc I'm tired or something just seems so good, but my efforts help dictate the quality of my harvest and my harvest determines how my needs will be satisfied through God's riches and glory. Let's work hard now to be able to play hard later, but first ask God to map out the agenda and write the vision to make it plain. Enjoy your day!
Well-rounded Edification
1 Timothy 4:8....for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.
We spend a lot of time edifying our bodies, careers, or the ppl around us. What about the importance of edifying our spirits? We face trials and challenges daily, or have opportunities to minister to ppl, but we may fail our test or miss opportunities bc our spirit has yet to learn to sense these situations properly. The more we strengthen our spirit, the less likely we will see things as we normally would, we will not be moved be tribulations, and we will have more of a capability to walk in love and faith. We will also be able to recognize the blessings placed before us, and be aware of those that are disguised as such. God wants us to have health and prosperity not just physically, but spiritually and emotionally as well. Be able to fully embrace all God has for u.
We spend a lot of time edifying our bodies, careers, or the ppl around us. What about the importance of edifying our spirits? We face trials and challenges daily, or have opportunities to minister to ppl, but we may fail our test or miss opportunities bc our spirit has yet to learn to sense these situations properly. The more we strengthen our spirit, the less likely we will see things as we normally would, we will not be moved be tribulations, and we will have more of a capability to walk in love and faith. We will also be able to recognize the blessings placed before us, and be aware of those that are disguised as such. God wants us to have health and prosperity not just physically, but spiritually and emotionally as well. Be able to fully embrace all God has for u.
Child-like Mannerism with Adult Knowledge
Proverbs 22:6
6 Train up a child in the way he
should go;
even when he is old he will not
depart from it.
When we think of this verse, we often think about children and how we should properly raise them, but what about what WE learned as children? What about the Godly values and manners we were brought up with, and may have strayed away from? As adults, we make choices and we are often hardened or may change due to our experiences, but should that change our values, hopes, dreams? Does your way of thinking line up with the way u were taught or how God wants u to be? Have we forgotten the ability to give 2nd chances, dream, or imagine and receive the impossible bc the world has made us cold? Let's go back to our child-like values and remember to embrace our kindness, remember the innocence of life, and dare to dream and implement the "impossible." Let's show manners, be loving, and care the way a child cares for everyone regardless to their background. Of course, don't take advantage or be taken advantage of, but that doesn't mean we should forget about the ability to be loving and conveniently forget the golden rule. God wants us to come to Him as little children, so don't be afraid to remember how to do that by taking a stroll down memory lane.
6 Train up a child in the way he
should go;
even when he is old he will not
depart from it.
When we think of this verse, we often think about children and how we should properly raise them, but what about what WE learned as children? What about the Godly values and manners we were brought up with, and may have strayed away from? As adults, we make choices and we are often hardened or may change due to our experiences, but should that change our values, hopes, dreams? Does your way of thinking line up with the way u were taught or how God wants u to be? Have we forgotten the ability to give 2nd chances, dream, or imagine and receive the impossible bc the world has made us cold? Let's go back to our child-like values and remember to embrace our kindness, remember the innocence of life, and dare to dream and implement the "impossible." Let's show manners, be loving, and care the way a child cares for everyone regardless to their background. Of course, don't take advantage or be taken advantage of, but that doesn't mean we should forget about the ability to be loving and conveniently forget the golden rule. God wants us to come to Him as little children, so don't be afraid to remember how to do that by taking a stroll down memory lane.
He Will Direct Your Path
Isaiah 26:3-You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.
May u find a peaceful path towards all that u hope for and desire without delays, detours, or road blocks.
May u find a peaceful path towards all that u hope for and desire without delays, detours, or road blocks.
Monday, October 28, 2013
True Love
1 John 4:20-21
20 If anyone says, “I love God,” and
hates his brother, he is a liar; for he
who does not love his brother whom
he has seen cannot love God whom
he has not seen. 21 And this
commandment we have from him:
whoever loves God must also love
his brother.
We often display hate or dislike without utilizing the expression of the word...u may have heard someone say how they dislike someone bc of whatever or they "don't like their ways." Perhaps u may have even made a comment about how someone would be "better" if they just didn't do such and such. All those are a form of hate that was never meant to be judged by u, but should be prayed upon and love should be extended even more towards that individual to help with the removal of this issue. However, before we go around correcting or disliking even in what we believe to be love, let's consult with God first on HOW to correct, assist, and love on the person. If we love God and he guides us, wouldn't u want His consultation on how to love the unlovable or those who u "feel sorry for?"
20 If anyone says, “I love God,” and
hates his brother, he is a liar; for he
who does not love his brother whom
he has seen cannot love God whom
he has not seen. 21 And this
commandment we have from him:
whoever loves God must also love
his brother.
We often display hate or dislike without utilizing the expression of the word...u may have heard someone say how they dislike someone bc of whatever or they "don't like their ways." Perhaps u may have even made a comment about how someone would be "better" if they just didn't do such and such. All those are a form of hate that was never meant to be judged by u, but should be prayed upon and love should be extended even more towards that individual to help with the removal of this issue. However, before we go around correcting or disliking even in what we believe to be love, let's consult with God first on HOW to correct, assist, and love on the person. If we love God and he guides us, wouldn't u want His consultation on how to love the unlovable or those who u "feel sorry for?"
Discernment vs Judgment
Luke 6:37-38ESV
“Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven; give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.”
Often, we communicate and view ppl in a way that is based on what we have experienced or how we have been hurt...we arm ourselves with our words and conjugate our own thoughts, and before u know it u have just passed judgment on someone. Before u begin the evaluation process, ask yourself if u know the category in which God placed u in when it comes to viewing ppl. Did he deem any of us perfect or a judge? Also, ask yourself are u hiding behind your faults and using the card of judgment like the race card in order to hide your feelings? It is often helpful to be real with yourself on why u view others the way u do b4 u decide to pass judgment. Know when God has given u discernment or when u are in the natural mode of perception. What u sow is what u reap...would u really want others or your family to be viewed as u view others?
“Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven; give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.”
Often, we communicate and view ppl in a way that is based on what we have experienced or how we have been hurt...we arm ourselves with our words and conjugate our own thoughts, and before u know it u have just passed judgment on someone. Before u begin the evaluation process, ask yourself if u know the category in which God placed u in when it comes to viewing ppl. Did he deem any of us perfect or a judge? Also, ask yourself are u hiding behind your faults and using the card of judgment like the race card in order to hide your feelings? It is often helpful to be real with yourself on why u view others the way u do b4 u decide to pass judgment. Know when God has given u discernment or when u are in the natural mode of perception. What u sow is what u reap...would u really want others or your family to be viewed as u view others?
Godly Thoughts
Isaiah 55:8-9
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord . For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.
*It is truly a blessing that God doesn't think like man...we often desire the bare minimum or tell others to settle, but God wants to give u more then u can imagine. We may sometimes hold grudges or have attitudes, but God immediately forgives. We require the unnecessary or want others to change, but God says to come as u are. We are often afraid to say how we truly feel, but God talks to us all day and let's us know that we are loved. . let's work on aligning our thinking with His and not complicate things any further. Enjoy your day.*
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord . For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.
*It is truly a blessing that God doesn't think like man...we often desire the bare minimum or tell others to settle, but God wants to give u more then u can imagine. We may sometimes hold grudges or have attitudes, but God immediately forgives. We require the unnecessary or want others to change, but God says to come as u are. We are often afraid to say how we truly feel, but God talks to us all day and let's us know that we are loved. . let's work on aligning our thinking with His and not complicate things any further. Enjoy your day.*
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